New for E-Term! SimCheck is a new plagiarism detection software integrated into Canvas that checks your students written work against our institutional repository, the web, library databases and journals, textbook publishers, homework help sites, and books. SimCheck has been integrated into Canvas Assignments as an optional tool for instructors. It serves as a replacement for…Continue Reading Introducing SimCheck: New Plagiarism Detection Software
Microsoft Teams is now enabled in Canvas!
What we’ve all been waiting for is finally here! Microsoft and Canvas have launched the Teams integration in Canvas! When Microsoft Teams Meetings for Canvas is enabled, the Teams Meetings icon will be enabled in the Rich Content Editor in several areas within Canvas. Supported feature areas include Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Classic Quizzes, and the…Continue Reading Microsoft Teams is now enabled in Canvas!
Creating Default Settings for Poll Everywhere Polls
If you use the Poll Everywhere integration with Canvas to send participation points and grades back and forth with the system, you have experienced the pain of needing to set “Restrict to registered participants only” on each and every poll. Now you can create a template poll that will carry forward your setting on all…Continue Reading Creating Default Settings for Poll Everywhere Polls
8th Annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day
May 16th, 2019 is the 8th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). The purpose of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital (web, software, mobile, etc.) access/inclusion and people with different disabilities. According to the World Health Organization, “More than one billion people in the world live with some form of…Continue Reading 8th Annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day
Update: Create a Canvas custom home page with buttons
This is an update to a previous post from 2016. Are you looking to add some aesthetics and usability to your Canvas course? Consider building a custom home page for your course. Your students will see this home page right away and each button will link them to modules or other areas in the course that…Continue Reading Update: Create a Canvas custom home page with buttons
Canvas Gradebook is changing (for the better)!
Gradebook in Canvas is getting a facelift, and we’re so excited about it that we’re commemorating this historic occasion with a series of fun events, including Canvas Day! 🎉 What is Canvas Day? It’s the event you won’t want to miss (really)! Sponsored in part by the NERCOMP Canvas Community of Practice, Instructure Senior Solutions…Continue Reading Canvas Gradebook is changing (for the better)!
Introducing Studio: a new kind of video platform within Canvas
Canvas is a video engagement and annotation tool within Canvas that allows instructors and students to actively collaborate through video. WPI now has access to the Studio video platform! The Studio platform allows students and instructors to engage with video content by commenting directly on the video timeline. Students can learn from each other’s insights…Continue Reading Introducing Studio: a new kind of video platform within Canvas
My Top 5 (Free-ish) Cool Tools that Integrate into Canvas
Canvas has this great wealth of tools that are just waiting to be deployed into your course. These tools are located in Canvas’ EduAppCenter. There are hundreds of apps in the EduAppCenter, so I thought I’d summarize just a few of the interesting ones available there, and some others that are available on the web. Many of these tools are free, others cost money…Continue Reading My Top 5 (Free-ish) Cool Tools that Integrate into Canvas
myWPI Accessibility Series: Providing Semantic Structure to your Documents
The myWPI platform is accessible to all users by default; however, the individual content items uploaded by faculty and students may not be. How can the common documents we use day to day be made accessible for users with visual impairments or learning and cognitive disabilities? You’ll be happy to hear that there are just a few…Continue Reading myWPI Accessibility Series: Providing Semantic Structure to your Documents
LMS Unconference
WPI is pleased to be participating in NERCOMP’s LMS unSIG Unconference this March! Whether your campus has adopted an out-of-the-box learning management system (LMS), an open source solution or has developed a home-grown course management system (CMS), challenges surrounding management, deployment, assessment, upgrades, training, support, security and integration with campus resources are universal. The LMS…Continue Reading LMS Unconference