Game Animation:
Team Name: Gompei and the H.E.R.D.
Robot Name: Plastic Fantastic
Summary For The Year:
In the second year after FRC implemented an autonomous period where a robot could not be manually operated by a human, Team 190’s 2006 robot used a wide array of sensors to improve its autonomous ability. Mechanisms on the robot sorted balls, which were collected by two rollers, into a revolving 6-column storage container. Banner (beam-break) sensors monitored the balls in each compartment in order to avoid the balls becoming jammed. These sensors were instrumental because a lot of the 2006’s seasons problems arose from poorly managed balls. When ready to shoot, the sensors rotated to ensure that a column with balls was always in position above the shooter and allowed for a smooth transition to the flywheel-fed launcher on a rotating turret. A camera on the turret monitored the position of the green vision target while the turret turned in response to keep the goal constantly in sight.
Competitions Attended:
- BAE Systems Granite State Regional (Manchester, NH)
- Florida Regional (Orlando, FL)
- FIRST Championships (Atlanta, GA)
Offseason Competitions Attended:
- BattleCry@WPI 7
- Bash at the Beach
- River Rage
- General Motors Industrial Design Award, Florida Regional
- Regional Chairman’s Award, BAE Systems Granite State Regional
Team Pictures: None