Game Animation:
Team Name: Gompei and the H.E.R.D.
Robot Name: Pharaoh Goat
Summary for the Year:
Team 190s first priority for the 2013 season was to pull off their “Wombo Combo” in which the robot would climb to the top of the pyramid and dump Frisbees in the top. Because of this the robot was mostly oriented toward climbing although it still had a fair amount of shooting capability. The climbing mechanism utilized an impressive telescoping arm approach with a set of hooks to hold its position while it continued to move up.
Competitions Attended
- WPI Regional (Worcester, MA)
- Greater Toronto West Regional (Mississauga, ON, Canada)
- First World Championship (St. Louis, MO)
Offseason Competitions Attended
- BattleCry@WPI 14 (Worcester, MA)
- River Rage (Merrimack, NH)