So you want to sing… Tweeting in the Classroom

Seems like everywhere we go lately everyone is all a flutter about Twitter.  From professional conferences to the boy next door, everyone seems to be doing it! Which has led some of us to wondering, “Is there a use for Twitter in the college classroom?”.  Turns out the answer is yes!

Check out these great resources for some great ideas today!

50 Ways to Use Twitter in the College Classroom:

50 Ways to Use Twitter in the College Classroom provides you with exactly what it claims; a list of 50 possible uses for Twitter in the classroom!  While some of these ideas are better than others, there is a use for just about everyone on this list.  In particular we liked:

4. Make announcements. Professors can send out reminders about upcoming tests, project due dates, or any news that needs to be shared via Twitter.
5. Brainstorm
. The ability to share ideas as the occur any time and any where creates an excellent opportunity for brainstorming on class topics.
6. Take a poll
. Ask student their opinions or get feedback on future projects or topics by using an app like PollDaddy.
7. Share interesting websites
. Both professors and students can post interesting websites that are relevant to their class.

Learning in 140 – Character Bites:

Learning in 140 – Character Bite offers us a new take on how short messages can actually increase student-instructor communication.  Read more to see what 140 characters can really do for you!

7 Things you Should Know about Twitter:

Educause’s 7 Things you Should Know about series serves as an introduction to emerging classroom technologies.  7 Things you Should Know about Twitter will tell you all about Twitter and provide an illustrative example of the use of Twitter in the classroom.

Horton Hears a Tweet:

Educause Quarterly looks at Twitter from the perspective of both the instructor and the students.  One Key Take away: “Twitter used as an instructional tool can add value to online and face-to-face university courses that far outweighs its potential drawbacks.”

So you too want to sing?  Here are some simple instructions to get you up and running in no time!
