This term I am taking a course that covers the history of educational technology. You may hear more from me on the topic! One of the themes that keeps striking me repeatedly is the pattern we have suffered in this field. The challenges I face in my role today, such as a lack of a particular vendor to understand the needs of the instructor, have existed since the invention of the lecture.
Below are some tips from Joseph J. Weber on the use of Visual Aids in Education (Valparaiso University), as summarized by Paul Saettler in The Evolution of American Educational Technology (1990, Information Age Publishing). They struck me as almost entirely still relevant today, not just for film but for all media resources that are used to supplement instruction, from powerpoint to intelligent tutoring systems to the newest iPad app. As you read them, just for fun, consider when Weber may have created them. I’ll reveal at the bottom!
Six Step Methodology for the Use of Film in the classroom:
1. Preparation, or discussing the synopsis of the film in light of the learner’s previous experience
2. Presentation, or presenting the film when learners’ “curiosity is at high pitch and their minds sharpened for the central message of the film”
3. Informal discussion and assignments consisting of readings, problems, or projects
4. Supplementary showings, either running the film again without interruption, or, preferably, showing it in parts, followed by more informal discussion
5. Formal recitation, or assimilating the film’s concepts through generalization and application, with the teacher having a carefully prepared lesson plan structured as to aim, content, and procedure
6. Check-up, or oral or written review quizzes or a list of test items in the form of an essay, report or project.
1920. Yep. You read that right.