2017 Projects

B17 groupIn B term 2017, Professor Dominic Golding and Professor Richard Vaz advised six student teams conducting projects with: the Maria Mitchell Association; the Nantucket Data Platform; the Nantucket Energy Office; the Nantucket Planning Office; the Nantucket Town Manager’s Office; Food Rescue Nantucket, the Nantucket Food Pantry, and Sustainable Nantucket.

We would like to thank all our project sponsors for making these collaborative research opportunities available to our students. We would also like to thank the following:

  • Harvey Young of Young’s Bicycle Shop for generously providing us with bicycles during our stay.
  • David Gagnon and his staff at the Maria Mitchell Association for providing student accommodation.
  • Melissa Philbrick, Rachel Hobart, and Virna Gonzalez and ReMain Nantucket for allowing us to use the
    Greenhound Building for student workspace and for underwriting the Nantucket treasure hunt.
  • Melanie Hajjar for hosting the treasure hunt.
  • Lisa and David Lazarus for providing us with a special tour of the Shipwreck and Lifesaving Museum.
  • Eric and Pamela Goddard for hosting a marvelous chili night at their home.
  • Bill and Betsy Delphos for hosting a sumptuous seafood bash at their house.