2021 Projects — Spring

In D term 2021 (March 14 to May 3), a team of students who were prevented by COVID-19 from conducting their project in Greece focused their many talents instead on Nantucket. Kenneth Armijo, Mariah Haney, Edward Jackson, Nikita Jagdish, and Martin Runquist conducted their project in collaboration with Chief Stephen Murphy and Fire Prevention Officer Sean Mitchell of the Nantucket Fire Department and Peter Morrison, Co-President of the Nantucket Civic League.

A copy of the final report entitled Fire Protection Water Sources for Nantucket can be found here.  A recording of the presentation is available here and copies of the presentation slides are here.

Thanks to all those who helped to make this project such a success under the very difficult circumstances of the pandemic, especially the team’s faculty advisors, Professor Chrysanthe Demetry and Professor Richard Vaz.