Custom Ordering Playlists in Ensemble

Ensemble is WPI’s online video platform – like an internal YouTube. WPI community members can request space in the system for creating their own repository of videos which further educational goals. Many instructors are already using Ensemble, from System Dynamics to Fire Protection to Biology.

Like YouTube, users can create playlists.


Playlists can have neat custom urls, like the one above, which is

The order in which the videos appear, however, depends on the order in which they are uploaded.

So in order to have control over the order, a custom playlist is needed.

One a custom playlist is created, custompl-mywpithe code that creates that playlist needs to be pasted into a blank page in myWPI. Custom-ordered playlists can’t be viewed in Ensemble.They can only be viewed in myWPI or in another platform.

We recently created step-by-step instructions on how to create a playlist with a custom order in Ensemble. Here’s the site:

If you’re not already an Ensemble user and are intrigued by the possibilities, feel free to email me at