Month: January 2013

Are we ditching finals? (weep) Alternative Assessment Ideas

My own undergraduate experience, which was so long ago that we didn’t even know the word “blog”, was full of midterm and final exams.  But of all of these tests, I remember only one: my Introduction to Biology final.  I remember it because it was multiple choice questions from the exams we had taken over…Continue Reading Are we ditching finals? (weep) Alternative Assessment Ideas

Apple Computers and Projectors on Campus

Editors Note: This week we welcome guest Blogger Michael Grossfeld.  Michael is an avid Mac OS X user and has been giving the ATC lots of great advice for troubleshooting Mac laptop connections in our eClassrooms.  We invited Michael to post the  instructions that he gave us to our blog and hope that they are just as helpful to WPI’s growing…Continue Reading Apple Computers and Projectors on Campus

Need to update your Profile?

So you logged into myWPI, noted the new profile options and decided “I think I will update this later.”  You are not alone!  Many people have decided that neither the Facebook nor the Twitter quick connect was for them, but then how do you update once that splash screen has gone away? It’s as easy…Continue Reading Need to update your Profile?