Year: 2012

3, 2, 1…Explain!

My favorite “Explainer”, Lee Lefever, just posted a new blog about the new age of the video explanation.  In it, he postulizes that perhaps 2012 will usher in a new genre for video:  “Drama, comedy, documentary, advertising and explanation.”  Lee does a great job of explaining (no surprise there) why this trend is being enabled and adopted globally,…Continue Reading 3, 2, 1…Explain!

Wikipedia! Wikipedia… Wikipedia??

While we all acknowledge that Wikipedia is not primary literature and should not be cited as a resource in most academically oriented works, we also are cognizant that Wikipedia is the first stop for many of our students on the way to more in depth research. Not today!  Today Wikipedia’s English language site is in blackout mode! Why you might ask?  It political…Continue Reading Wikipedia! Wikipedia… Wikipedia??

How are our students communicating? Let me count the ways!

As the new term approaches many faculty across campus are beginning to reach out to their students. This got me thinking about the what tools our students using for electronic communication.  According to the 2011 ECAR National Study of Students and Information Technology in Higher Education (, Email and Texting are students’ two most common electronic communication tools…Continue Reading How are our students communicating? Let me count the ways!