OneDrive is your cloud storage solution for Canvas!

canvas logo onedrive logo









You can now log in to your Office 365 account and share your OneDrive files in Canvas.

This fall, WPI IT launched Microsoft’s Office 365.  The cloud storage component of Office 365 is called OneDrive, which allows you to store and access documents from anywhere, just by logging into with your WPI credentials.

Lucky for us, Canvas has a OneDrive integration, so you’ll be able to utilize documents stored in OneDrive in your Canvas course site, without affecting your course size quota.

There are many other benefits to using OneDrive within Canvas, such as the ability to embed assignments into Canvas, create OneDrive collaborations in Canvas, and finally– changes you make to documents embedded in Canvas will automatically be reflected in your course site (no need to re-upload).  Students will also be able to utilize their OneDrive storage in Canvas by submitting assignments and creating collaborations.

Workshops & Support

The Academic Technology Center will offer workshops and open office hours over the next few weeks to help you get comfortable with using OneDrive in Canvas. Check out our calendar for the list of dates.  Not able to make any of our workshops? Email to schedule a one-on-one training– we’re happy to find time that is convenient for you.


Get Started

Log in to Canvas and look for Office 365 in your course navigation to get started!

We’ve developed some documentation to help you maximize your use of OneDrive with Canvas.  Download the PDF guide from the new WPI Portal or read on below and bookmark this page!


Access your OneDrive files in Canvas

Click on the Office 365 link in the left-hand navigation menu of your course. You may be prompted to login to your OneDrive account (Note: You are the only one who can access your OneDrive files this way. If students click on this link, they will be prompted to log in to their own account). If you would like to disable this feature, you can do this under Settings > Navigation.

office 365 course navigation

Share OneDrive documents in Modules

Click on the Modules link, select the + icon under the desired Module, and choose External Tool. Click on the link for Office 365, choose the file, and click Attach File. Last, click Add Item.

office 365 onedrive module item

Share OneDrive documents in any Rich Content Editor page

Go to any Rich Content Editor page (found in Assignments, Discussions, Syllabus, and Pages) and click on the red Office icon (if you don’t see it, click on the blue V icon in the toolbar to expand a menu of additional tools). Choose the desired file and click Attach File. The document will open in a new tab (it will not preview in Canvas).

onedrive rich content editor

Students can upload a OneDrive document as an assignment submission

When students click on the Submit Assignment button, they will see the Office 365 tab. This will link them to their OneDrive account. They can choose a file from their OneDrive account and submit it.

office 365 submit to assignment

Create a cloud assignment using a OneDrive file as a template

Add an assignment and change the Submission Type to “External Tool“. Click on the Find button and choose Office 365 Cloud Assignment. Choose the desired file and click Attach File.  Add your specific assignment settings as usual, then Save and Publish the assignment.

office 365 cloud template assignment

How students submit a cloud assignment from an instructor provided template

When students click on the assignment, they will see the template embedded in the page [1]. They can click on Open [2] and edit the template (the document automatically saves, though students should go to File > Save As and save a version on their computer just in case). When they are ready to submit the document, they return to Canvas and click on Submit.

student submit cloud assignment


Instructors can grade the submission in Speed Grader and make comments in the overall comments section only (Note: Instructors cannot make annotations on the paper and some submitted assignments may not preview in Speed Grader).


Collaborate on a OneDrive file

Click on the Collaborations link in the course navigation menu, click the + Start a new collaboration button, and then choose Office 365 from the drop down menu. Choose the type of file you wish students to collaborate on (it can be a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint document) and follow screen prompts to add students as collaborators. Then click Save.

(Note: You must add at least 1 additional collaborator to this document).

create office 365 collaboration




More guides and tutorials

For Students

How do I upload a file from Microsoft OneDrive as an assignment submission?

How do I submit a cloud assignment with Microsoft OneDrive?

How do I create a Microsoft OneDrive collaboration as a student?

How do I view my Microsoft OneDrive files in Canvas as a student?


For Instructors

How do I create a cloud assignment with a Microsoft OneDrive file?

How do I create a hyperlink from Microsoft OneDrive in the Rich Content Editor?

How do I view my Microsoft OneDrive files in Canvas as an instructor?

How do I create a Microsoft OneDrive collaboration as an instructor?