Category: Tools for Teaching

Guiding Self and Peer Assessment – Two Technologies

Self and Peer writing assessments can be very powerful tools in the classroom.  This type of an assignment can aid students in improving their editing and writing skills.   Through Peer Assessment students learn to collaborate and provide constructive peer criticism. However implementing this type of review assignment in a classroom setting can be a rather…Continue Reading Guiding Self and Peer Assessment – Two Technologies

Understanding the iPad Display Capabilities

Did you know that your iPad can actually display video using the dock connector on the bottom of your iPad and an adapter (purchased separately)?  This can be great in the classroom or for quick meetings in technology equipped spaces.  If this is something you have considered before, or are considering for the future, there…Continue Reading Understanding the iPad Display Capabilities

Wondering what cool new technologies are on the Horizon?

Well then look no further than the Horizon Report! Published each year as a joint publication  of the New Media Consortium (NMC) and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), the Horizon Report seeks to identify the six technologies that have the greatest potential to impact education over the next five years.  The report is broken down…Continue Reading Wondering what cool new technologies are on the Horizon?

Free yourself from chalk dust!

Wondering what that monitor-that-doesn’t-quite-look-like-a-monitor in your classroom could be?  If it has a plastic pen attached, it’s called a Sympodium, manufactured by SMART Technologies, Inc.  If you’re thinking about trying it out this term, here are some things for you to consider: Pros. The ATC has been surveying students who participated in captured lectures (using…Continue Reading Free yourself from chalk dust!

Think clickers are just for your TV?

Think again! Personal Response Systems, often referred to as Classroom Performance Systems (CPS) or just ‘clickers,’ are becoming a common educational tool used in a myriad of classes. Students are given a small wireless polling device that bears a strong resemblance to a TV remote control.  This polling device is used to submit responses to…Continue Reading Think clickers are just for your TV?