Stellenbosch Municipality

In Mountain View. WPI Team: M. Ali Shah, Brandon Clark, Natalie Fabrizio, and Julia Veitch
While the South African Bill of Rights establishes the provision of services to all residents, over 1.5 million households have limited or no electricity, refuse removal, water, and sanitation structures. This project aimed to assist in improving service delivery to informal settlements in Stellenbosch, South Africa, by assessing the Stellenbosch Municipality’s communication and data collection system. Informational interviews with organizations working on data management and service delivery, and engagements with residents of the informal settlement Mountain View, it was determined that the service request process needs to establish feedback loops, interdepartmental communication requires restructuring, and new technologies could improve communication with residents and increasing government transparency.
Improving Service Delivery to Informal Settlements through Data Management (Final Report)
Final Presentation — Stellenbosch Municipality