Designing an Inclusive and Accessible Sensory Space for School Children at Chaeli Cottage
Project Sponsor: Ms. Rosemary Luger, The Chaeli Campaign
Team Members: Tyler Bobbin, Olivia Dube, Lindsay Masamery, Katy Stuparu
Advisors: Professors Steven S. Taylor and Rosemary Taylor
Visit the Chaeli Campain Website
Exposure to sensory input nurtures appropriate behavioral and emotional regulation, which is crucial for children with disabilities. This project, sponsored by the Chaeli Campaign, created an inclusive and accessible sensory space at the Chaeli Cottage preschool to provide sensory integration for children with disabilities. Through a cyclic iterative design process involving interviews, co-design with professionals, and observation of the preschool routine, we understood the stakeholder needs and designed our sensory space. Our project proposes that inclusivity is a dynamic and ever-changing concept with accessibility and variety at its core.