CECD: Cape Town Museum of Childhood

Eric Atmore, Sarah Atmore, Greg Kashmanian, Alexa Davis, Amanda Grossi, Joshua Hogan, and CECD staff
To support the Centre for Early Childhood Development’s (CECD) creation of the Cape Town Museum of Childhood, this project makes recommendations for the museum’s State of the World’s Children curated collection. We followed a human centered design approach, involving continued committee and stakeholder input, to identify themes in UNICEF’s State of the World’s Children reports that are relevant to childhood welfare in South Africa. Selected themes include: child protection, nutrition, access to early childhood development provisions, and the percent of children below the poverty line. We developed a guide for the CECD that compiled information related to thematic choices and display suggestions, informed by our own field research and interviews with museum curators.
Developing an Interactive and Adaptable Curated Collection for the Cape Town Museum of Childhood