Category: Tools for Teaching

Tips for Teaching Adult Students Online

Demographic studies of distance learning students indicate that they are older than students in traditional campus-based programs, they usually work outside the home, and many are married with families. Most students take courses on a part-time basis while holding down a job, with the intention of pursuing education to help them advance in their careers….Continue Reading Tips for Teaching Adult Students Online

Trends in Online Education: More predictions

It must be the season for predictions!  Jes posted yesterday about the Horizon Report, and there is more to come!  In the meantime, our neighbors to the north have some thoughts as well.  Sir John Daniels of Ontario’s Distance Education Network Contact North introduces three trends he thinks will have a high impact on higher…Continue Reading Trends in Online Education: More predictions

Revisiting the Horizon

  Report that is!  It has been a few years since we reviewed the Horizon Report and I thought it would be a good time to double back take a look at the predictions from 2010 and continue forward to the Horizon Report 2012. Just as a recap, The Horizon Report is published each year as a joint…Continue Reading Revisiting the Horizon

3, 2, 1…Explain!

My favorite “Explainer”, Lee Lefever, just posted a new blog about the new age of the video explanation.  In it, he postulizes that perhaps 2012 will usher in a new genre for video:  “Drama, comedy, documentary, advertising and explanation.”  Lee does a great job of explaining (no surprise there) why this trend is being enabled and adopted globally,…Continue Reading 3, 2, 1…Explain!

LMS Unconference

WPI is pleased to be participating in NERCOMP’s LMS unSIG Unconference this March! Whether your campus has adopted an out-of-the-box learning management system (LMS), an open source solution or has developed a home-grown course management system (CMS), challenges surrounding management, deployment, assessment, upgrades, training, support, security and integration with campus resources are universal. The LMS…Continue Reading LMS Unconference

Interested in Lecture Capturing?

Last week you read about the new and updated e-classrooms, including several new lecture capturing classrooms.  This week, I thought I’d expand a little  bit more on the use of lecture capturing at WPI.   As you read last week, we have installed the Echo360 technology in AK116, GH227, KH116, and SH106.  That brings the total number of…Continue Reading Interested in Lecture Capturing?

Google+ Chapter 2

Okay so now we’ve gotten invitations to the beta-release of Google+.  And of course, so have many others.  We have our circles, and our opinions and ideas are beginning to form.  So are the ideas and opinions of many others. The Chronicle of Higher Education also has a blog post about the potential for classroom use, with…Continue Reading Google+ Chapter 2

Coming this fall to WPI…new options for student response!

Many faculty and students on campus have requested that WPI look into the possibility of using a virtual clicker system in the classroom.  Virtual “clickers” allow students to use a mobile device (Smartphone, Cellphone, Laptop, Tablet, etc) to respond to questions posed by the instructor. The TTL team has completed a review of products that…Continue Reading Coming this fall to WPI…new options for student response!