As of the Fall semester, WPI will be using a new version of the Echo360 lecture capture system. This new version is called “ALP,” which is short for Active Learning Platform. As it’s name implies, it’s a platform, so the system is capable of more than just recording and distributing those videos via your course…Continue Reading Get Ready for Echo360’s Active Learning Platform
Canvas: Custom Home Page with Buttons
Are you looking to add some aesthetics and usability to your Canvas course? Consider building a custom home page for your course. Your students will see this home page right away and each button will link them to modules or other areas in the course that they need to go to. This leads to less…Continue Reading Canvas: Custom Home Page with Buttons
Educational Scriptwriting
This spring, after hearing more than one faculty member talk about the challenges of creating video for their online courses, I thought about the virtues of the script. A script helps you plan what you’re going to say. You can look at the script and think – does that fact really belong in this video?…Continue Reading Educational Scriptwriting
Canvas is coming to WPI!
Last fall, a task force was organized to evaluate what direction WPI should take regarding our Learning Management System (LMS) as Blackboard phases out support for the current version of their product and our contract is set to expire. On behalf of the LMS task force, the ATC is pleased to share the announcement made at…Continue Reading Canvas is coming to WPI!
myWPI Accessibility Series: Providing Semantic Structure to your Documents
The myWPI platform is accessible to all users by default; however, the individual content items uploaded by faculty and students may not be. How can the common documents we use day to day be made accessible for users with visual impairments or learning and cognitive disabilities? You’ll be happy to hear that there are just a few…Continue Reading myWPI Accessibility Series: Providing Semantic Structure to your Documents
Spotlight on Student Engagement: Piazza
Piazza is a free, easy to use Q&A platform integrated within Canvas. If you’ve been looking for more ways to get your students contributing in class, Piazza might be the tool for you. The Piazza platform encourages all types of learners to ask and answer questions in an online forum environment. Students have the option…Continue Reading Spotlight on Student Engagement: Piazza
Professor Tom Balistrieri using Clickers in Abnormal Psychology
Tom Balistrieri was so kind as to answer some questions of mine regarding how he used clickers in his Abnormal Psychology class this past B15 term. He also allowed me to come to his last class and ask his students a little about what they thought of clickers – those results are at the bottom…Continue Reading Professor Tom Balistrieri using Clickers in Abnormal Psychology
Custom Ordering Playlists in Ensemble
Ensemble is WPI’s online video platform – like an internal YouTube. WPI community members can request space in the system for creating their own repository of videos which further educational goals. Many instructors are already using Ensemble, from System Dynamics to Fire Protection to Biology. Like YouTube, users can create playlists. Playlists can have neat…Continue Reading Custom Ordering Playlists in Ensemble
Lecture Capture: This Time It’s Personal
There are many reasons to explore contingency planning for your class lectures and anyone who was in Worcester last winter can remember a particularly cold one. But even if you’re not trapped behind a sheet of ice you may still want to find a way to deliver course content to your students remotely. One tool that…Continue Reading Lecture Capture: This Time It’s Personal
Poster Printing! Best Practices to Ensure You Make a Poster that Effectively Communicates Your Ideas
This week we have invited Ellen Lincourt, Master of Posters (seriously, this should be an official bullet in her job description!), to contribute to our blog. Ellen is generally the first person you will meet when you come to the main ATC office in Fuller Labs. Not only does she coordinate the poster printing services…Continue Reading Poster Printing! Best Practices to Ensure You Make a Poster that Effectively Communicates Your Ideas