What do new WPI faculty need the most?

A few weeks ago, we in the TTL team met with WPI’s newest faculty members, and the excitement was palpable.  I shared some of the FAQ’s from that session here.  As we prepare to support these folks throughout their (hopefully very long) careers at WPI, I am wondering what your thoughts are about the things…Continue Reading What do new WPI faculty need the most?

Hammering home your (power)Point – Presenting Part II

In my last post, I shared some ideas from EDUCAUSE’s Malcolm Brown on presenting.  I ran out of time and space before I had a chance to finish!  Here are some more of my thoughts on his tips. Idea 15:  Who do you think you’re talking to?!?  Though it is impossible to address your entire…Continue Reading Hammering home your (power)Point – Presenting Part II

Use of the WeBex Chat Window during student presentations

Editors Note: This week we welcome a guest Blogger Professor Wally Towner from the School of Business.  While Professor Towner was using a tool called WebEx his methodology can be applied to any web conferencing tool including Wimba Classroom, the WPI Supported Web Conferencing tool.  We here in the ATC were excited to hear of…Continue Reading Use of the WeBex Chat Window during student presentations

If Powerpoint is the hammer, is my presentation the nail?

Maslow said, “I suppose it is tempting, when the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.”  We constantly hear phrases like “Death by Powerpoint”, but is it Powerpoint’s fault that it just happens to be a really good hammer?  I think not. I recently had the…Continue Reading If Powerpoint is the hammer, is my presentation the nail?

Examples of Media in Education: Shaping Curriculum

A few years ago, I worked with a professor to plan an interactive media component to help students with the concepts of a chemistry lab that spanned several weeks and several experiments. The professor found that students were having a hard time figuring out which data to use in what way when they reached the final experiment….Continue Reading Examples of Media in Education: Shaping Curriculum

Trends in Online Education: More predictions

It must be the season for predictions!  Jes posted yesterday about the Horizon Report, and there is more to come!  In the meantime, our neighbors to the north have some thoughts as well.  Sir John Daniels of Ontario’s Distance Education Network Contact North introduces three trends he thinks will have a high impact on higher…Continue Reading Trends in Online Education: More predictions

Revisiting the Horizon

  Report that is!  It has been a few years since we reviewed the Horizon Report and I thought it would be a good time to double back take a look at the predictions from 2010 and continue forward to the Horizon Report 2012. Just as a recap, The Horizon Report is published each year as a joint…Continue Reading Revisiting the Horizon

The Pluses and Minuses of Sharing Your Stuff in Google Hangout

It’s not even a year into Google+’s life, and it already has a storied existence of battling Facebook.  But in the social media ruckus, a useful tool seemed to pop out over all the +1s—Google Hangout. Hangout is Google’s take on a conferencing web application—with it, you can create a virtual space to share video,…Continue Reading The Pluses and Minuses of Sharing Your Stuff in Google Hangout