How do we collaborate? Let me count the ways!

col·lab·o·rate – verb \kə-ˈla-bə-ˌrāt\ 1: to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor – Merriam Webster Online Collaboration is at the heart of the WPI project system but, as many teams know, collaboration can be hard.  You need to keep people, documents, and tasks all organized and this can be a…Continue Reading How do we collaborate? Let me count the ways!

YouTube meet PowerPoint!

Everyone has heard the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words,” but sometimes a picture just does not do justice to a what is being presented in the classroom.  This is where video can come in! Video has been a part of classroom educational technology since 1910 (Saettler, 2004) and its use has continued to grow…Continue Reading YouTube meet PowerPoint!

Welcome back!

Happy first day of school! We look forward to seeing you this year and working together on all of your teaching and learning technology needs! We hope that you have a great day!…Continue Reading Welcome back!

Interested in Lecture Capturing?

Last week you read about the new and updated e-classrooms, including several new lecture capturing classrooms.  This week, I thought I’d expand a little  bit more on the use of lecture capturing at WPI.   As you read last week, we have installed the Echo360 technology in AK116, GH227, KH116, and SH106.  That brings the total number of…Continue Reading Interested in Lecture Capturing?

New and updated e-classrooms at WPI this fall

We know we’re not the only ones, but the ATC has been hard at work this summer!  One of our biggest focuses during the summer months is working on the replacement cycle for some of our older classroom equipment pieces, as well as the addition of a few new rooms! WPI E-Classrooms allow  instructors and…Continue Reading New and updated e-classrooms at WPI this fall

Securing Your Mobile Device

During this busy travel season it is important to take some time and ensure that your mobile device is secure in case of loss or theft.  I know, no one wants to consider these possibilities, however unfortunate things can happen and having security measures in place on your device can help to make the experience…Continue Reading Securing Your Mobile Device

Google+ Chapter 2

Okay so now we’ve gotten invitations to the beta-release of Google+.  And of course, so have many others.  We have our circles, and our opinions and ideas are beginning to form.  So are the ideas and opinions of many others. The Chronicle of Higher Education also has a blog post about the potential for classroom use, with…Continue Reading Google+ Chapter 2

The New Kid on the Social Media Block: Google+

As many of you are already aware, Google has decided to throw its (metaphorical) hat into the social media realm.  There has been great hype over Google’s newest foray with news outlets both TV and Internet covering the beta release of the new Google+. Wait, Beta?  Yeah that’s right, Google+ is still in a limited…Continue Reading The New Kid on the Social Media Block: Google+

Coming this fall to WPI…new options for student response!

Many faculty and students on campus have requested that WPI look into the possibility of using a virtual clicker system in the classroom.  Virtual “clickers” allow students to use a mobile device (Smartphone, Cellphone, Laptop, Tablet, etc) to respond to questions posed by the instructor. The TTL team has completed a review of products that…Continue Reading Coming this fall to WPI…new options for student response!

What might your reCAPTCHA be helping with next?

Back in April we posted on the ways in which reCAPTCHA, an anti-spam mechanism, was helping Google to digitize many older novels as well as the the entire New York Times archive. Well, now that it has been a few months we  wondered: ‘what might reCAPTCHA be helping with next?’  Turns out approximately 250,000 books from the British Library!…Continue Reading What might your reCAPTCHA be helping with next?