Green Building Water Infrastructure Technologies Analysis at EPA NCER
Adam J. Brooks, Manh-Hung Vo Le, Brian W. Robie, Fidelis Wambui
Environmental Protection Agency
Creighton R. Peet, Kaveh Pahlavan
October – December 2008
Project Outcomes
The National Center for Environmental Research (NCER) funds extramural research for the Environmental Protection Agency. Our goal was to provide future research recommendations concerning green building and more specifically water infrastructure. Categorizing NCER’s past projects and research, interviewing with principal investigators, and meeting with employees of various EPA offices have allowed us to identify existing research gaps. NCER’s future solicitations should consider water reuse, green roofs, and improving cooling towers. NCER should also focus on ways to improve social acceptance of green building, thus advancing implementation of green technologies, devices, and practices.