Workflow at NSF


Ignacio Jose Davila, Nicole Sade Davis, Wilmann Daniel Gomez Rodriguez, Evan Nickolas Ziavras


Montogmery County


Joshua Rosenstock, John A. Orr


October – December 2011

Project Outcomes

Final Report


This project focuses on improving workflow at the National Science Foundation. The process used to review submitted proposals currently has multiple opportunities for enhancement. Through the methods of interviewing and observation we identified tasks in the process that could be more easily done. We worked to automate these tasks through the use of Microsoft software, specifically Microsoft SharePoint and InfoPath 2007. These products allowed us to make improvements in the review process, specifically the part that deals with the set up of panels. We were able to automate certain tasks and centralize most essential data in one repository. At the end of this project we presented the National Science Foundation with a working system that made the management of panels easier.