D23 – Development of Bylaws to Mitigate the Impacts of PFAS on Private Water Wells (DEP)
Overall Project Description:
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of synthetic chemicals commonly used in manufacturing processes and consumer products. Unfortunately, these chemicals are persistent in the environment and have been linked to a variety of adverse health outcomes, including cancer, immune system disorders, and environmental imbalance. One significant area of PFAS contamination is through private water wells, which are often used by rural communities and households.
The state of Massachusetts has been grappling with the impact of PFAS on private water wells for several years, and the issue has received increased attention due to recent regulatory changes. This report seeks to understand the extent of PFAS contamination in private water wells in Massachusetts and the implications for public health.
Project Goal and Objectives:
The goal of our project is to increase understanding of the impacts of PFAS in private well water and recommend language for PFAS model bylaws.
- Understand critical concepts surrounding PFAS
- Identify knowledge gap among private well owners and BOH agents
- Investigate current town bylaws about private wells
- Make supporting materials and recommendations
Student Team and Advisors:
Our team is made up of three juniors from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Sultan Adedeji
Benjamin Dodge
Samantha Rosenberg
Our project is being advised by Paul Mathisen
Project Sponsors:
Our project is sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and the Massachusetts Health Officers Association (MHOA)
Project Deliverables:
Our project deliverables includes a report, infographics, pamphlets, and fliers.
Final Report: