D23 – Increasing Awareness of Careers Related to Green Infrastructure (CMRSWC)

Overall Project Description:

Stormwater runoff management is becoming more vital with climate change. Mitigation efforts like green infrastructure are being explored due to their positive environmental and mitigation impacts. However, there is a concern about the inadequately numbered and skilled labor force working on GI integration. Our team worked with the Central Massachusetts Regional Stormwater Coalition (CMSWRC) to increase awareness of the recruitment and outreach of green careers to high school and vocational school students. Through our project, we developed recommendations that can be directly implemented or expanded upon in order to reach the high school audience better.

Project Goal and Objectives:

The goal of this project was to recommend strategies for recruitment and outreach that could be used to educate vocational and high school students on growing opportunities inside the green careers field. The following objectives were used to complete this project:

  1. Understand the Professional Perspective
  2. Gather Educator Perspectives
  3. Gather Student Perspectives
  4. Compile Information and Propose Recruitment Methods

Student Team and Advisors:

Our team is made up of four juniors from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Luke Harrington (Electrical and Computer Engineering)

Samuel Lambert (Mechanical Engineering)

Morgan Whitney (Biochemistry)

Our project is being advised by Paul Mathisen

Project Sponsors:

Our project Sponsor was the Central Massachusetts Regional Stormwater Coalition (CMSWRC).

Expected Project Deliverables:

Find Project Report Here:

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