Archive for November, 2017

Keeping Up With Handshake

Filed in Finding a Job, Networking by on November 27, 2017 2 Comments

At the end of the term, after taking a few days to recover from final exams and project submissions, I always set aside some time to sit down and make sure my resume, Handshake, and LinkedIn reflect the most recent work I’ve done. I know it can be a hassle to make sure everything is […]

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Can I Network with Family & Friends???

Filed in Finding a Job, From the Staff, Life at WPI, Networking by on November 20, 2017 1 Comment
Can I Network with Family & Friends???

Picture this – You’re home from school for a holiday and surrounded by family & friends. You’re all catching up with each other, and odds are you get asked a few of these popular questions: “So, how’s school going?” “Hey, what’s your major again?” “Any new projects you’re working on?” “What do you want to […]

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Post IQP/MQP Blues

Filed in From the Staff by on November 17, 2017 0 Comments

Hello! Coming back from a project center and adjusting to life at WPI can be tough. As a student who traveled to Capetown, South Africa in B’16, it was tough for me to adjust back to the classes. Most of all, I was always stumped on how to talk about my IQP experience with my […]

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Career Podcasts

Filed in From the Staff by on November 6, 2017 3 Comments
Career Podcasts

Podcasts are a thing. They’re everywhere. I tried to resist it, I tried to fight it, but I lost (or did I actually win…?). One summer, I wanted something new to listen to while processing invoices. My fun and funky Spotify playlists had gone stale, and I felt like I had not been expanding my brain […]

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