Archive for March, 2015

Panel Interviews

Filed in From the Staff, Interviewing by on March 30, 2015

Hey Everyone!!! I hope everyone has had a good start to their D-Term! I can’t believe it’s almost summer…even though it feels like winter will never end. I walked outside and there was snow today. It’s practically April and there is snow on the ground! Crazy! So a topic that has been brought up to me recently […]

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Getting Ready for an Interview

Filed in From the Staff, Interviewing by on March 6, 2015
Getting Ready for an Interview

Hey everyone! So earlier this week I wrote a blog called “the job hunt blues.” Finding an internship/job is hard work and it can be discouraging when you’ve sent out tons of applications and haven’t heard anything back. But if you use the CDC resources, switch up you job hunting strategies, and keep at it, an […]

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A Fantastic CDC Resource: Walk – Ins

Filed in From the Staff by on March 6, 2015
A Fantastic CDC Resource: Walk – Ins

Hey Everyone!! Before the end of C term, I just wanted to share another experience with you. This term I have been helping out with one hour of walk-ins every Friday for first-year students. It has been a wonderful experience and I cannot wait to do it more! I found out that I am very […]

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How to Look Fresh on LinkedIn?

Filed in From the Staff, Networking by on March 6, 2015
How to Look Fresh on LinkedIn?

Hey Everyone!! I can’t believe that today is the last day of C term, hope it went well for all of you! Today I wanted to talk to you about LinkedIn and how important it is to keep your profile updated. Throughout my entire time on LinkedIn (which was D term of sophomore year – […]

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Family Dinner + A Little Luck = Networking Session

Hey Everyone! So last weekend, I went home to visit my parents. They had planned to go out with some friends, and “go out” in my house typically means free food, so I asked if I could tag along. My parents said yes, joking that I was interrupting their date. When we got there, the […]

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The Job Hunt Blues

Filed in From the Staff by on March 2, 2015

Hey Everyone! I can’t believe C-Term is almost over! Where has the time gone? Finals week is always a joy, especially with all of this snow. But it’s okay! Spring is going to be upon us before we know it. And with D-Term comes all the fun activities like The Big Show and Relay. I’m […]

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