Archive for January, 2014
Break Is Over – Career Fair, Here We Come!!

Welcome back!! I don’t know about you, but I spent most of my break eating, spending time with family, and watching Netflix. Not only that, but I also continued my job search!! Prior to break I had sent out about 30 letters to Physician Assistants (PAs) in my area inquiring about job shadowing. I was able to […]
What’s For Dinner?

YOOOOOOOOOOOOO Welcome back to WPI. I finally just settled in for C term… my last term ever! I wanted to share some of my experiences from winter break. Of course I plan on writing about only the coolest stuff but smashing everything together for one blog seemed a bit too much for me… so stay […]
New Beginnings!

Welcome back everyone! We’re almost a week into C-term, still trying to get back to the school mentality and the lack of sleep from Winter break. The weather is definitely not helping, and it feels like we should be hibernating instead of thinking about school. But unfortunately school is here whether we like it or […]
2014 Is Here! What Is Your Career Plan?

What a nice winter break that was! Lots of sleep, time with family, and free time. Still trying to get back into the school mentality… Anyhow , 2014 is here! Time to continue with your career search or even start fresh. This could be the year to land in your dream job/internship ! Saying that, I’m every […]