Archive for March, 2017

No job postings? No problem!

Filed in From the Staff by on March 30, 2017 0 Comments

Using sites like Handshake and CareerShift to search for job postings is the first step in the job search process. However, you may feel dismayed if there are very few postings that interest you and for which you meet the qualifications. If this is the case, there is a lot you can do to expand your […]

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Handshake Pro-Tips!

Filed in From the Staff by on March 24, 2017 0 Comments

Hi all!   I wanted to give you all a few pro tips to help in your job search and make you as visible to employers as possible!   Pro Tip 1: Upload your resume into Handshake! You may say, “why do I have to upload my resume to Handshake when my profile has all […]

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Luck of the Goats!

Filed in Finding a Job, From the Staff, Life at WPI by on March 17, 2017 0 Comments

Hi everyone! At WPI we are pretty fortunate that industries look at us very favorably and in turn, we receive fairly healthy salaries. Frequently our average starting salary is within the top 10 in the country!   Recently the Class of 2016’s Post-Graduation report was released. It has an incredible amount of information about every […]

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