Archive for October, 2015
Experiencing the On-Site Interivew

Hey Everyone! Hope finals week is going well for all of you, I can’t believe A term ends tomorrow! Today I wanted to talk to you about on-site interviews as I am on a train, coming back from mine. I know I am crazy to be going on an on-site interview during finals week, especially […]
Interviewing Part 1: OCI

Hey Everyone! You may have heard the term OCI many times and probably always wondered what that is? I don’t blame you, WPI has so many acronyms that we even have a website for it. It takes a while to remember a lot of them, but OCI is pretty important because it stands for On-Campus […]
Major Decisions (Pun Intended)
Hey everyone! Since the Discovering Majors & Careers (DMC) course is starting in a few weeks (WOOOH!), I thought I’d reflect on how I chose my majors. When submitting college applications, one thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to be in a mathematics field – specifically something using statistics because AP Stats […]
Major Choice Got Ya Down?
Do you wake up every morning and feel ecstatic and thankful to have classes to go to and a major you love? I do! Well.. sometimes I do. Especially around this time of the term, I start to curse my decision and seriously wonder why I didn’t choose something easier – or at least more […]
The Information that Makes Cents (and dollars)
Hey Seniors! Do you know what you’re worth?? The CDC compiles a huge amount of information for graduating seniors, graduate students, and doctoral students to mainly figure out where they will be working and how much their making. Luckily, we write it up in a report and post it online! Our most recent […]
The Rejection

Rejections hurt. That is just the straight honest truth. As WPI students, we are used to being the best. Many of us were first or second in our class in high school. Many of us have been on the Deans List for many terms and have become very involve in extracurricular activities. For many of […]