Archive for March, 2014

An Introduction, a Story, and a Tip

Filed in Career Fair, Finding a Job, Networking by on March 31, 2014 0 Comments

Hi everyone! My name is Gianna Terravecchia and I’m so excited to be a new Peer Advisor for the CDC for the end of this year and the whole upcoming year! I am a sophomore Chemical Engineering major here at WPI and I love it! I love of my classes and professors. I’m not a huge fan of […]

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Here’s to a New Beginning!

Filed in Life at WPI by on March 31, 2014 0 Comments

Hey WPI! My name is Omesh Kamat and I am a new Peer Advisor (currently in training) at the CDC. I am a sophomore at WPI, majoring in Mechanical Engineering with minors in Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science. I am also involved in a lot of things on campus. I am a Resident Advisor on Riley […]

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Au Revoir

Filed in Life at WPI by on March 17, 2014 0 Comments

Welcome back everyone! C-term is over and D-term is here. I just wanted to say good luck with everything, school, your job search nd everything else you’re doing this term. I’ll be in Switzerland for IQP, but I’ll post a few things about my job search from there. See you all in the fall. Ahmad

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Costa Rica, Here We Come!!

Filed in Life at WPI by on March 10, 2014 0 Comments
Costa Rica, Here We Come!!

¡Hola! Just 7.5 hours until I am out the door and on my way to Boston for my flight to Costa Rica!!!! It’s so surreal, I can’t believe the day is finally here. I’m kind of nervous, my heart is beating with anxiety. I’m mostly nervous for my parents being nervous, if that makes sense. […]

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Network Here, Network There, Network EVERYWHERE

Filed in Life at WPI, Networking by on March 9, 2014 0 Comments
Network Here, Network There, Network EVERYWHERE

It’s amazing the people you meet during college. WPI’s student body is made up of so many different people. Earlier this year I began assisting with the Discovering Majors and Careers class sponsored by the CDC. During this class I met a student that lives in Costa Rica, the exact place I am going for […]

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Network to Get Work

Filed in Finding a Job, Interviewing, Networking by on March 7, 2014 0 Comments
Network to Get Work

Field Sales Engineer/ Field Applications Engineer? Maybe 80% travel. Huge amount of customer interactions. Pretty high level solutions in engineering. Constant meetings with big business partners, leading the company in innovation and overall just having fun. That kinda sounds like me, to most people that really sounds like me. Eventually I started telling myself that […]

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Onsite In sight?

Filed in Finding a Job, Interviewing by on March 3, 2014 0 Comments
Onsite In sight?

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone had some on site interviews coming up. Getting invited to an onsite interview is a wonderful opportunity and a clear sign that things are going well for you and the particular job. Getting invited to an onsite interview can also be pretty scary. So I thought I would […]

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Procrastination is Golden!

Filed in Finding a Job by on March 3, 2014 0 Comments
Procrastination is Golden!

It’s finals week! Again 🙁 ! It sometimes feels as if everything wrong happens all in the same week. You have finals, you realize you don’t have a summer/full time job yet, you realize you haven’t talked to your family in a few weeks and they’re not very happy about it, and everything seems to be falling […]

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