Archive for December, 2013

The Final Countdown!

Filed in Life at WPI by on December 18, 2013 0 Comments
The Final Countdown!

People randomly passed out on campus. Free food EVERYWHERE. The library is packed until 3am every night. The line to Dunkin is out the door. Yup, it’s finals week. Sometimes the chaotic mayhem is unbearable, but somehow I am completely relaxed this finals week. It’s definitely not going to be like that next term when I’m taking ID2050 […]

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Where Should You Be In Your Career Plan?

Filed in Finding a Job by on December 17, 2013 0 Comments
Where Should You Be In Your Career Plan?

Hi Everyone, Whether you are a senior, junior, sophomore, or freshman, where should you be in your career plan? Are you up to date? There is a good way to find out ! The Career Development Center (CDC) has career plans available according to your specific year , even at the graduate level! You can use […]

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Laziness and Glory!

Filed in Life at WPI by on December 16, 2013 0 Comments
Laziness and Glory!

I have a confession! I am Lazy! Some of you might be surprised by this, yes I have four jobs on campus, yes I am the president of the MSA and a co-chair for SocComm, yes I write novels in my free time, yes I’m not failing school. Despite all that I am still Lazy! […]

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The Future Is Now!

Filed in Finding a Job by on December 12, 2013 0 Comments
The Future Is Now!

As this year progresses I keep stopping and realizing. Whoa. I’m a junior. I have one year left of my undergraduate career at WPI. It’s scary and exciting at the same time. It’s scary to think about how fast the past 2 1/2 years have gone by. I’ve become accustomed to the busy, studious college life and […]

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Take your time

Filed in Finding a Job by on December 11, 2013 0 Comments
Take your time

Yooo With all this pressure to apply for jobs, internships and graduate schools I imagine that everyone is drowning in balancing school deadlines and application deadlines. At least that was the case for me before I created my organization plan. In the past I was just barely able to hit submit on time. Hitting submit […]

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Still Undecided About Your Major?

Filed in Life at WPI by on December 10, 2013 0 Comments
Still Undecided About Your Major?

Hi everyone, Are you still undecided about your major? Too many majors to choose from? You are not alone : Did you know that WPI offers a class that can help you choose your major? The class is called Discovering Majors and Careers , also known as FY-1800 and it is offered twice a year […]

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Life After College – Yes, It Exists!

Filed in Finding a Job, Interviewing, Networking by on December 6, 2013 0 Comments
Life After College – Yes, It Exists!

This past Monday I attended the Women Alumnae Panel hosted by the sponsored by the Career Development Center, Office of Multicultural Affairs, and WECE (Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering). We were lucky enough to talk to three women that have graduated from WPI in the past 10 years to learn more about life after […]

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Something to be Thankful for?

Filed in Finding a Job by on December 6, 2013 0 Comments
Something to be Thankful for?

Hey!!! Thanksgiving was last week and for some reason everything before that week in regards to my job search was moving really slowly. I applied to some places, had an interview or two earlier in the term then everything sort of hit a stone wall and just stopped. So when Thanksgiving break came around and […]

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Market Yourself & Take Advantage of LinkedIn

Filed in Finding a Job, Networking by on December 3, 2013 0 Comments
Market Yourself & Take Advantage of LinkedIn

Hello Everyone, Hope you had a great thanksgiving and got lots of rest. We’re back to help you in your job search! On that note, do you know what LinkedIn is? Have you heard of it? LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network and it is free to use .It’s a great tool you can […]

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