Archive for April, 2014
Graduation’s Soon And Then… But Like… Wait… What?

Hey guys, I have been thinking a lot about what to do after graduation. So a couple of my friends were able to land some interviews, some even got some offers and of course some are still looking. For the ones still looking swing by the CDC for some help. There are tons of resources […]
Is Your Resume Perfect?

Hey Everyone! So last Friday, my friend and I were down in the Office of Residential Services, and we were bored. He was working on his internship application and starting showing me his resume, and I started showing him mine. One thing led to another, and soon enough, we were in a competition with each […]
My Day in Admissions – Why Research?
Hey everyone!! Today I worked an open house in Admission for accepted students! The day was really exciting! It is awesome seeing accepted students so passionate about WPI and it is even more exciting when they commit to WPI right in front of your eyes. I had some amazing conversations today with families about WPI, and some not […]
The New Job Nerves – My First Internship Story

Last summer, I got the opportunity to intern at a civil and environmental company. I was super excited because this was going to be my first “real” job and I was going to get professional experience. I was also going to get paid, which meant I was going to be able to buy my own […]
2 Hours Could Be Worth $20000

Hey! This is big news for job-seekers! I know a lot of people are getting frustrated about job placement but just be patient and keep trying. q=] I was talking to one of my closest friends the other day. Things are going really well for him and really quickly things got a lot better. He […]
Can I Have More Money?
Of course you can…as long as you ask the right questions and at the right time! Hey everyone, So guess what? I received an internship offer for the summer! I was so excited because the offer was really good and it was at a big company, directly related to my major. This was an opportunity […]
LinkedIn Trouble? Me Too!!
Happy Monday Everyone!!!! Ugh last week was SOOO busy! I swear these terms go by so fast, its already three weeks in and next week is midterms week. Where does the time go??? So last week I went to the Career Fair and had an AWESOME conversation with a recruiter for a company I am very interested […]
Get With the Times

You might be wondering, “What is this about?” and “What am I falling behind in?” That’s right. There is something that each and every one of you should have and that is a LinkedIn account. During last year, I heard a lot of people talking about LinkedIn and how great it was, but I never […]