Tools we use – Social Bookmarking

With the incredible proliferation of online tools, tips, resources, and technologies available for teaching and learning today, we at the Technology for Teaching and Learning group often find ourselves playing the role of technology testers and commentators. We would like to take a few minutes every now and again to share a technology that we’ve put…Continue Reading Tools we use – Social Bookmarking

Guiding Self and Peer Assessment – Two Technologies

Self and Peer writing assessments can be very powerful tools in the classroom.  This type of an assignment can aid students in improving their editing and writing skills.   Through Peer Assessment students learn to collaborate and provide constructive peer criticism. However implementing this type of review assignment in a classroom setting can be a rather…Continue Reading Guiding Self and Peer Assessment – Two Technologies

YouTube becomes more Social…Media

Have you ever posted a YouTube video and wished you could control its playback for students watching it at the same time?  SocialVision has recently rolled out a new feature (free!) that allows you to watch YouTube videos synchronously with others.  Called YouTube Social, this new element allows the person who initiates a social invite…Continue Reading YouTube becomes more Social…Media

Top Pick for Using PowerPoint 2010

From “Top 10 reasons to try PowerPoint 2010” I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “death by PowerPoint”. I think it should be changed to “death by presenter who uses PowerPoint ineffectively”, but it’s not as catchy.  PowerPoint presentations these days have a bad reputation if it’s just bulleted text on the screen.  That’s why my top…Continue Reading Top Pick for Using PowerPoint 2010

Understanding the iPad Display Capabilities

Did you know that your iPad can actually display video using the dock connector on the bottom of your iPad and an adapter (purchased separately)?  This can be great in the classroom or for quick meetings in technology equipped spaces.  If this is something you have considered before, or are considering for the future, there…Continue Reading Understanding the iPad Display Capabilities

The iPad apps I Can’t Live Without

I was recently  reading The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Prof Hacker Blog when I stumbled across an interesting post entitled 5 iPad Applications I Can’t Live Without (and Why) (  After reading this article I wondered: “If I had to choose, what would be on the top of my App list?”… so here they are!…Continue Reading The iPad apps I Can’t Live Without

Coding the Web With Style

Coding the web with style In a previous post, we covered the basics of HTML, the markup language of the internet. We explored ways to divide content into different kinds of contextual containers using tags, and we saw some rudimentary formatting as a result. But how do really style the web? How do we control…Continue Reading Coding the Web With Style

TTL is on the Move Again!

The Technology for Teaching and Learning Group is on the move again – This time back to our permanent home in the Gordon Library (GL225)! There are some new exciting changes in the Gordon Library that we are really excited about and we think you will be too.  This renovation has created a  new WPI…Continue Reading TTL is on the Move Again!