Final Thoughts on A-Term

Filed in Life at WPI by on October 16, 2013

Hey everyone !

Last blog of the term , can you believe A term is 2 days from being over?

I’m sure we can all use any free time we have left to catch up on sleep or even study some more.

The good thing is that the Career Development Center will be open during break, so you can take advantage of that when you have more time in your hands. If you need someone to look over your resume/cover letter or perhaps to get ready for an interview , the CDC is here to help you , even during break.

So no worries, take a break from your job/internship search and focus on your finals. Make an appointment with the CDC and get a head start for B Term. Be in the lookout for upcoming events hosted by the CDC.

Good luck on Finals !

Until the next time,


About the Author ()

Sebastian Vergara, WPI 2015. B.S. in Industrial Engineering. Hello everybody ! I'll keep it nice and simple, I'm a peer advisor at the CDC (Career Development Center) and I'm here to help you. Check out my blogs for helpful tips and suggestions.

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