How to Research! (Companies… not for a Paper…)

Filed in Career Fair, Finding a Job, From the Staff by on September 11, 2015

Hey guys!


As we all know, the Career Fair is coming up soon and there is a lot of work to be done before we walk in that door and start shaking some hands!


A huge aspect of working the Career Fair is researching companies. It is imperative to show your knowledge of the company, what they do, and where your fit is so you can have a better conversation with their representatives!


The best way to go about company research is by:

  1. Going to your JobFinder account (easily accessible by going through
  2. Clicking the “Events” tab
  3. Go to Fall Career Fair 2015
  4. Use the Advanced Search option to filter out the companies that interest you (based on major or positions available)!


Here you will find what kind of jobs they are posting and what kinds of majors they are looking for.


Also, make sure to add the WPI Career Fair App to your phone! You get a full map of the Career Fair, tipsheets, and a whole bunch of information that will help you as you do your rounds at the Career Fair.


I hope your Career Fair experience is fantastic and you make some solid connections that can lead you to future internships, co-ops, or full-time jobs!


Your friendly neighborhood Peer Advisor,


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