Archive for April, 2018
1st Day on the Job!

You did it! You landed that job/internship/co-op of your dreams and it’s smooth sailing from here! Except…now what? Here’s a few tips for how to prepare and make the most of your experience. What to wear Odds are the hiring manager will let you know what dress code you should follow. If not, you can […]
One Last Time…

Now that my paper-electronic-CDR is signed and there is only one PowerPoint between me and the end of the year, I guess that senior year really is coming to an end. While I’m not yet sure what comes next, I know that the people I met and the experiences I had at WPI have set […]
How to get stuff done while having fun in the sun

Today marks one week until the last day of classes and the end of the 2017-2018 school year. I’ve learned a lot about professional development, advising, and most importantly blogging, and hope everyone has something fun, functional, or both lined up for the summer. To wrap things up, here’s some advice on how to keep […]
It’s Not Too Late!

Hey all! You have a busy life; between academics and extracurriculars, your job search may have fallen by the wayside. If you’re anything like me, this might be an accurate representation of your current state: I’m here to let you know that that is okay! There is no need to hit the panic button! You […]
Greatest Hits From Maggie B.

Happy April 2nd! Recently, one of our favorite people at the CDC made a change in her own career journey, stepping into the role of Director of WPI’s Academic Resource Center! While Maggie Becker will be dearly missed, we wanted to take a moment on this special day to thank her for her 10 years […]