Testing Your Flaws with InterviewStream

Filed in From the Staff by on September 26, 2012

Crap, I stuttered.

Stop doing that thing with your hands.

and if you say ‘umm, uhh, or like’ one more time, something bad’s gonna happen.

Regardless of how confident and experienced we are in our work, presenting it to an employer’s another story entirely.

The CDC’s new tool, InterviewStream, is here to help.

Using InterviewStream this past Friday was extremely helpful.  Usually I can’t stand interviews – similar to standardized exams in high school, I don’t think they give enough to the people in charge of making decisions.  But, InterviewStream gave me some awesome advice without even needing to schedule an in-person Mock Interview with the CDC.

Essentially, you’re put into a simulated interview of your choice, whether it be for a full-time, co-op, or part-time position.  You’ll have 2 minutes or less to answer behavioral based questions, and others can comment on how to improve your habits should you choose to share it with your peers.

preparation is key for any career advancement. don't make the common mistake of underestimating the first impression.

InterviewStream really helped my bad habits.  I need to smile more, hit the personal initiative points more quickly, and be less wordy with my answers.  

The best part about InterviewStream is that it visualizes what should be secondhand knowledge but the gaps in what you personally portray.

To try this out yourself, go to wpi.edu/+CDC, sign into JobFinder, and click InterviewStream’s icon (shown at the top of this post) on the left-hand side.

Until next time,

About the Author ()

Hey there! My name's Adam and I'm currently a senior at WPI majoring in Management Engineering, focus in Operations Management. On campus I'm involved in Greek Life, Undergraduate Admissions, and campus programming. My blog topics will be focused primarily on staying focused and realistic when it comes to career building, as well as personal improvements and confidence builders in knowing yourself and your skill set. If you have any suggestions for topics or improvements along the way, feel free to let me know at any point! Keep searching, Adam

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