From the Staff


Filed in From the Staff by on January 22, 2018 1 Comment

If you’re not already aware, there are tons of career resources in Handshake with all sorts of tips, tools, and articles. Recently, I read an article from Vault about grit and why employers look for it that I wanted to share some advice from.  Grit isn’t just something held by sandpaper, John Wayne and NFL […]

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Job Search Blues!

Filed in From the Staff by on January 15, 2018 2 Comments
Job Search Blues!

Hi guys,   Hope you had a relaxing break and were able to unwind from the busy B term. Today I wanted to talk regarding the job search process. With the C term work load and the snow storms, the job search process can seem overwhelming where students often feel like that they are sending […]

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Entering Startup World!

Filed in From the Staff by on December 11, 2017 0 Comments
Entering Startup World!

Hello,   Like all job search processes, getting an internship/full-time job at a startup can be a painstaking process at times. Often times students don’t know where to start since startup positions are not heavily advertised compared to larger corporations. Luckily for WPI, a great book was added to the library reserve for students to […]

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Spotlight on Co-Op: Emily!

Filed in From the Staff by on December 4, 2017 0 Comments
Spotlight on Co-Op: Emily!

Hello all! With the upcoming winter break, you will surely have some extra time to be continuing your job search. As you look at opportunities, also look at your academic plan: is there room for a co-op? Working a co-op provides you with a multitude of professional benefits while you maintain your full-time student status. […]

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Can I Network with Family & Friends???

Filed in Finding a Job, From the Staff, Life at WPI, Networking by on November 20, 2017 1 Comment
Can I Network with Family & Friends???

Picture this – You’re home from school for a holiday and surrounded by family & friends. You’re all catching up with each other, and odds are you get asked a few of these popular questions: “So, how’s school going?” “Hey, what’s your major again?” “Any new projects you’re working on?” “What do you want to […]

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Post IQP/MQP Blues

Filed in From the Staff by on November 17, 2017 0 Comments

Hello! Coming back from a project center and adjusting to life at WPI can be tough. As a student who traveled to Capetown, South Africa in B’16, it was tough for me to adjust back to the classes. Most of all, I was always stumped on how to talk about my IQP experience with my […]

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Career Podcasts

Filed in From the Staff by on November 6, 2017 3 Comments
Career Podcasts

Podcasts are a thing. They’re everywhere. I tried to resist it, I tried to fight it, but I lost (or did I actually win…?). One summer, I wanted something new to listen to while processing invoices. My fun and funky Spotify playlists had gone stale, and I felt like I had not been expanding my brain […]

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Filed in From the Staff, Interviewing, Life at WPI by on October 30, 2017 3 Comments

I was thrilled when I opened up Handshake the week after the Career Fair to find out I had been selected for an on campus interview. As a peer advisor, I’ve spent a lot of time helping my friends prepare for interviews, so it was especially exciting to be going through the process myself. I […]

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You mean I’ll have to pick a major?

Filed in From the Staff, Life at WPI by on October 9, 2017 6 Comments
You mean I’ll have to pick a major?

Like a lot of students, I applied to WPI as “engineering undecided.” In high school I enjoyed math and science classes and was pretty sure I wanted to major in a STEM field, but didn’t know much at all about the different disciplines of engineering. In my junior year I had done well in calculus […]

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Working for a startup!

Filed in From the Staff by on October 2, 2017 2 Comments
Working for a startup!

  Hey y’all, Hope your A term is going great and that you are all pumped up for Fall break! While you try and be productive over the break applying for jobs, let me give you some insight on working for a startup! This past summer, I worked for The Puffin which is an assistive […]

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