Embedding Videos with the New Rich Text Editor

Canvas recently upgraded its rich text editor. What this means for you is that if you are embedding Echo36 or Studio videos in pages, the look and workflow has changed slightly. Here’s what the row of buttons at the top of the rich text editor looks like.



You’re going to click on the plug on the right. If the plug isn’t there, it may be because your browser window is too small, and a column of three dots will be there instead.

Once clicked on, the three dots will reveal a plug. The plug is Canvas asking:  “What app would you like to plug in to this page to embed stuff?” In our case, we want video apps that are available through WPI.

Links to directions for embedding Echo360 and Studio videos in your Canvas pages using the new Rich Text Editor are below:

Echo360:  https://wp.wpi.edu/atc-ttl/2020/05/22/embedding-echo360-videos-in-canvas-pages/

Studio: https://wp.wpi.edu/atc-ttl/2020/05/26/embedding-studio-videos-in-a-canvas-page/

As always, if you have any questions about embedding videos in pages in Canvas, email us at atc-ttl@wpi.edu.