Interviews and Job Searching.
I have absolutely no idea what the status of my job search is.
On one hand, I feel behind. I feel like although I’ve applied to some jobs, I still need to apply for A LOT more. As I look at the spreadsheet I made of all of the positions and companies I’ve applied to, I get this uneasy feeling in my stomach that it’s not enough. I’ve always heard that you have to apply for a ridiculous amount of jobs to ensure that you get something…and well, in my mind I have a lot of work to do and it’s making me a little anxious.
On the other hand, I have made a good amount of progress lately. I applied for a lot of jobs before I left for break and I started using resources like LinkedIn and I was even contacted by two people from different HR companies becuase they had seen my resume posted online. One I’m definitely not interested in – it’s second shift – but the other might be promising. In addition, I have a final round interview with the company I interviewed with during C term! 🙂 It’s this Thursday. I’m very excited and a little nervous. I’m preparing for general interview questions and looking at the information they sent me. It’s a little intimidating because I have to tell them what departments of the company I’d like to work in, and I’m not sure what to put down yet. But once I look into it more I’m sure I’ll be confident with my decision.
So, as you can see, I’m slightly torn. I’m happy with my progress but anxious that I need to make more. I guess what I need to take away from this is to just keep applying and networking. I can’t count on anything I’ve done so far so I need to keep giving myself as many opportunities as possible. At the end of the day I’d rather have applied for too much then not enough and graduate jobless.
…As I’m writing this I’m getting a little stressed out about the whole situation. I’m about to open my calendar and literally schedule job searching time. I’m pretty good at letting classes/MQP consume my life. I need to make sure that my job search doesn’t get pushed to the back burner too much – especially because this is my last term of school.
To all of you other seniors 0ut there (or even underclassmen looking for internships) – make sure you too make time for your job search and I wish you the best of luck.