Hi everyone! My name is Kelly and I'm from Andover, MA. I'm a senior in Mechanical Engineering, and it's my second year as a Peer Advisor for WPI's Career Development Center. I'm also in one of the sororities on campus, Phi Sigma Sigma, and a part of EPICS (Engineering Projects In Community Service). I'm going to be keeping you updated on my senior year and what I'm doing to figure out my life after college (jobs, grad school, etc). Enjoy!
kellyroberge's Latest Posts
My last post.
It’s hard to believe that I only have one week of college left. Time really flew by. It’s funny to look back on the last four years – It’s a combination of good times with friends and sleepless nights in a computer lab somewhere on campus..and it’s weird but I can’t really can’t recall any down […]
I have a job!!
I finally have a job!!! I’m so excited! And relieved! It is such an amazing feeling. 🙂 I got a job offer from the company that I had been interviewing with over the last few weeks. 🙂 They day of my final interview they said they would let me know in two weeks what their […]
Life After WPI
So I’ve been thinking a lot about Graduation and what happens after that. I attended the Life After WPI Panel last week and the alumni who came back definitely gave me a lot to think about. I was really happy to hear how happy they all were with their new lives. I think I’m definitely […]
MQP, Job Search, and even more on LinkedIn.
Let me start off by talking about the LinkedIn Workshop. At first I was a little iffy about going but I am so glad I went – I really feel like I learned a lot. Before my extent of using LinkedIn was basically just to update my profile and then connect with a few people I already […]
The wonders of LinkedIn.
Sometime last week I said that I had been using other resources in my job search like LinkedIn and Monster.com. I’m finding that LinkedIn is a really helpful site to use. Each person creates a profile that includes: Your picture Where you work Your past jobs Where you went to school What clubs and activities […]
Final Round Interview
So I did it! I’m done with my final round interview! It’s such a relieving feeling. Everything went much more smoothly than I was expecting. 🙂 I was one of four candidates. Our day started with a briefing from one of the employees in HR about what to expect for the day. Then, they placed each of […]
Interviews and Job Searching.
I have absolutely no idea what the status of my job search is. On one hand, I feel behind. I feel like although I’ve applied to some jobs, I still need to apply for A LOT more. As I look at the spreadsheet I made of all of the positions and companies I’ve applied to, I […]
Finals week…and time to search for jobs?
I sent out all of my thank you emails to the employees from the company I interviewed with. I got one response and it sounds promising for a second interview. 🙂 But I haven’t heard anything for sure, so I can’t make any assumptions at this point. Usually finals week is absolutely ridiculous at WPI, […]
My first full time interview :)
So I did it. I had my first full time interview. It was a little bit nerve wracking but overall I think it went well. The first part of the interview was actually an assessment test. The first half of that consisted of math problems which weren’t difficult at all, and the second half consisted […]
Career Fair and Interviewing
Overall I was fairly happy with how the Career Fair went. I got to talk to a few companies I was really interested in. My only complaint: the long lines! I definitely waited in one line at least 12 people deep to talk to one company. However, the conversation was definitely worth it. 🙂 Now […]