Start of a New Term

Filed in From the Staff by on August 31, 2011

Everyone around seems to finally be settling into A Term. You can tell by the packed library and the Dunkin Donuts line that looks like it is goes out the back door. At the same time as we are getting into the swing of things, summer seems like it was forever ago.

I learned a lot this summer working in a tree canopy at a nearby museum. I learned how to hoist someone down from a wire bridge 60 feet of the ground, how to operate a zip line, and how to hang like a monkey. All that aside I actually did learn a lot about different landscapes and New England’s ecosystem, some things you wouldn’t necessarily learn sitting at a desk. Getting hands on experience is exactly what I wanted this summer.

I learned about my job from a friend on my sports team. networking with clubs and organizations is a great way to find jobs as well!

This year I will take you through the ups and downs of my career search, and tell you all about the resources I am using at the Career Development Center.

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