One more week…

Filed in From the Staff by on October 6, 2011

There’s one week left in A-term 2011! Everyone has a lot to do before the end of term.

This is my first term at WPI. I’ve been getting used to classes, a job at the Career Development Center, and college in general. The term was very busy at the CDC. There was Building Blocks to Your Future, Resumazing, company information sessions, career fair preparation sessions, and the Fall Career Fair.

I have learned about many of the CDC’s services in the past few weeks working for the CDC. As we move through B-term I’ll be talking more about the services offered. Don’t forget that the CDC has Walk-Ins every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1 to 3pm. Stop by the office to ask a question or to get your resume or cover letter critiqued.

Also, these blog posts can now be accessed on Facebook by going to the RSS/Blog tab.

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