What are you doing with your break?

Filed in From the Staff by on March 2, 2012

While I am glad to have completed my final C term at WPI and am looking forward to the break, I can’t say that it will be very relaxing. I will be spending the next week preparing for an interview and looking for more job opportunities. While having an interview is great, I still need to be on the lookout for more opportunities. To help me with this I have made an appointment with a CDC staff member to talk about what steps I should be taking too. If you have any questions about how to look for jobs, what type of positions to look for, or anything else related to your job search you should come to the CDC for help!

Have a great break everyone!

About the Author ()

Hello everyone! My name is Ally Bernard and I am from Spencer, Ma. I am a senior Management Engineering major with an Operations Management concentration. In addition to being a Peer Advisor at the CDC, I am involved in my sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta, the Institute of Industrial Engineers, the Student Alumni Society, and the 2012 Class Board. I’ll be sharing my jobs search with you with year, including the many things you need to do in preparation.

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