Filed in From the Staff by on April 26, 2012

As the year is wrapping up, I am faced to confront the fact that I will not be returning here next fall. This is a crazy thought to comprehend and for those of you in the same predicament, I am sure you had a similar reaction. At this point I still don’t know exactly what I will be doing in the next few months or where I will end up. For me, this is the first time I did not know what was next. While I have no doubt I will find a job soon, the future is still up in the air. For now I am concentrating on the time I have spent on campus, memories from various events, and of course the connections made with students, faculty, and staff. I have enjoyed my time working at the CDC and plan to visit them soon with any questions I may have as an alumni. Please remember that the office is always available to you, even five or ten years down the line. Finally I would like to congratulate the Class of 2012 in our accomplishments!

About the Author ()

Hello everyone! My name is Ally Bernard and I am from Spencer, Ma. I am a senior Management Engineering major with an Operations Management concentration. In addition to being a Peer Advisor at the CDC, I am involved in my sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta, the Institute of Industrial Engineers, the Student Alumni Society, and the 2012 Class Board. I’ll be sharing my jobs search with you with year, including the many things you need to do in preparation.

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