Applying or Thinking about Applying to Grad Schools?

Filed in From the Staff by on November 9, 2012

Hello everyone!

As we are into the peak months of graduate school application, most of you probably have numerous questions about the process that you’re not sure how to address. First of all, there is always the option of scheduling an appointment with a CDC staff and benefit from their knowledge and expertise. Another way to do that is to attend info sessions that CDC holds on certain topics. I attended the ‘Are You Interested in Graduate School?’ Panel during the first week of B-term which was highly informative.

I am not exactly planning to apply to grad school just yet, because I want to work for a couple years than pursue an MBA. However, I listened to the session very carefully and decided to pass on the information to all of you. First thing I learned is that personal research on schools and programs is huge. You should always plan your way backwards and ask yourself what your future goals are and how a certain program and grad degree would help you to achieve these goals. You can take a look at the Sloan Career Cornerstone at to explore different career paths or run a search on graduate programs at which is an extensive grad school database.

If you are really into a company but still considering to apply to grad school, check out if the company offers to pay for professional development. If you know any friends or family members that work for that company, ask them how much the company cares or pays for graduate school. If you’re into research and lab work in life sciences, check grad schools that offers programs aligned with your research interests. Remember, for grad studies, not the school experience but the program matters the most. If you are worried about finances, start looking into programs that offer fellowships.

You will need to write a statement of purpose and obtain at least 2 references from your professors or employers for each grad school application. Start planning it early, make a list of professors that you think could describe your qualifications and achievements well on paper. Stop by CDC to get your statement of purpose critiqued.

All this information might be overwhelming you or you might want to get things in order but don’t know where to start from. In that case, I would encourage you to attend the Graduate School Info Night next Thursday, Nov 15th. It is going to be held at Odeum A&B at the Campus Center from 6 to 8 pm. There are going to be 6 different stations where different kinds of information will be provided: funding grad school, tests you need to take (GRE/GMAT/MCAT etc.), statement of purpose, how to go by school research and more. Check it out and learn how to go by thing for grad school applications. Good luck!


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Worcester Polytechnic Institute Class of 2013- Industrial Engineering

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