Breaktime? Kinda…not really…?

Filed in Career Fair, Finding a Job, From the Staff, Life at WPI by on December 20, 2012

The first semester of this school year finally finished. Hopefully you enjoyed it. Try to have some fun this break but hey seriously, C term is gonna come fast and that means the Career fair is right around the corner too. ( Spring Career Fair is Feb 14th!)

The great news is that with a break, hopefully all you have is free time! All this free time can be super valuable time! You can spend it being super productive! You could take some time to reconnect with employers or connect with potential employers. You could log on to job finder and look at a few job posts. You could do some research on companies and really impress them with how much you know about their work. You could and probably should update your resume! I am sure with another semester under your belt you must have completed at least one really cool project. Another thing you could do is visit the Career Development Center (CDC)! Yeah that’s right the CDC is open during Winter break!

So whatever you do, don’t just break during break be proactive! Think Big. Plan Big. Succeed.

Thanks For stoppin’ by

About the Author ()

Sam Francois! WPI 2014. BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering. I love free stuff! I like my smiley faces wearing hats. q=] (how cool is that?). That's enough for now. If you want to know more, you'll have to check out my blogs! Stay tuned!

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