Archive for February, 2015

I am a Junior and I need to decide on my MQP!

Filed in From the Staff by on February 25, 2015

Hey Everyone! Hope C term is going well! Today I wanted to talk to all of you about the senior project at WPI, known as the Major Qualifying Project (MQP). The MQP is usually done in your senior year and you basically take all the skills you learned throughout your college and utilize it for […]

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One Stop Shopping…All Your Career Fair Prep Needs

Filed in Career Fair, Finding a Job, From the Staff by on February 18, 2015
One Stop Shopping…All Your Career Fair Prep Needs

Hey Everyone! This week has been crazy. It’s February vacation is here (and with that brings a lot of visitors). Also the CAREER FAIR is TOMORROW! AHHH sooo close! I’m spending today looking up companies that are coming, polishing and printing out my resume, and practicing my elevator pitch. I thought I’d set this blog […]

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I Want a Job Closer to Home…

Filed in From the Staff, Networking by on February 11, 2015
I Want a Job Closer to Home…

Hey Everyone, Hope you are having a great C term so far! Today I wanted to talk to you about jobs and their locations. Something I have noticed is that since WPI is located in Massachusetts, a lot of the companies that come to the career fair to hire students, are usually from New England. […]

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Back from IQP…and Heading to a Virtual Career Fair!

Filed in Career Fair, From the Staff by on February 4, 2015
Back from IQP…and Heading to a Virtual Career Fair!

Hey Everyone!!! I’m finally back from IQP in South Africa and I have to say, between all the snow days and actually having homework again, it’s been difficult to get back into the swing of things. I miss the beautiful views, relaxing beaches, and especially the traveling…But I am happy to be back to see […]

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