The Senior Job Search

Filed in Finding a Job, Life at WPI by on April 18, 2015

This article is to all of my fellow WPI seniors out there:

I cannot even count the number of conversations I have had with people worrying about not having a job yet.

“Only X people in our major have found a job yet….”

“I have been rejected X times….”

“We only have X days until graduation and I still don’t have a job!”


Many of us are in the same boat. Some are looking for jobs, others are going to graduate school, and some may be taking some time off. Whatever your plan is for yourself, focus on that and not on other people. Because you know what? Some of those people that have accepted jobs ended up giving in early for security but admitted they didn’t really want the job. They’re looking for something better, with a better salary or more of a focus that they are interested in. Here’s some tips for when you do find that job:

  1. Negotiate your salary – By not negotiating, you could cost yourself $1,000,000 over the course senior blogof your career!! The average starting salary for a WPI graduate is ~$62,000. Asking to negotiate is better than not attempting at all. Simply ask, “The starting salary for a WPI student in this major is _______. Is there anything else you can do for me to increase my salary?” Never give a company an ultimatum, indicating you will not take the job unless you are given a specific salary.
  1. Don’t settle!! – You work hard to find a job, and you come from an amazing school with a great project based curriculum. You have the qualifications, so believe in yourself! Don’t settle for the first job that lands in your lap. Work for the job that you really want, because you are going to be spending most of the hours out of your day there! You don’t want to be miserable!

Don’t worry if you haven’t found a job yet, keep looking! I always say that everything happens for a reason, so once you find your ideal job you will truly understand why this uphill battle was worth it. Plus, think about this – the average American will live to be 78 years old. Let’s say you find a job 2 months after graduation. So what? That’s great!! We have our entire lives to work. Don’t worry about only having to wait 2 months. That’s only 0.21% of your life…that’s nothing! Continue searching for your ideal job, and always remember that the CDC is a resource for WPI alumni for LIFE!

I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather! Feel free to email me or the other Peer Advisors at with any questions you may have!


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About the Author ()

Hey guys! My name is Emily Cambrola and I am a senior majoring in BME with a concentration in Biomechanics. I also am in the process of earning my minor in Music. I am a Peer Advisor for the CDC and I am here to share my thoughts and advice about the job search process! Be on the lookout for future blogging. Enjoy! (:

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