Emily Cambrola
Hey guys! My name is Emily Cambrola and I am a senior majoring in BME with a concentration in Biomechanics. I also am in the process of earning my minor in Music. I am a Peer Advisor for the CDC and I am here to share my thoughts and advice about the job search process! Be on the lookout for future blogging. Enjoy! (:
Emily Cambrola's Latest Posts
The Senior Job Search

This article is to all of my fellow WPI seniors out there: I cannot even count the number of conversations I have had with people worrying about not having a job yet. “Only X people in our major have found a job yet….” “I have been rejected X times….” “We only have X days until […]
Costa Rica, Here We Come!!

¡Hola! Just 7.5 hours until I am out the door and on my way to Boston for my flight to Costa Rica!!!! It’s so surreal, I can’t believe the day is finally here. I’m kind of nervous, my heart is beating with anxiety. I’m mostly nervous for my parents being nervous, if that makes sense. […]
Network Here, Network There, Network EVERYWHERE

It’s amazing the people you meet during college. WPI’s student body is made up of so many different people. Earlier this year I began assisting with the Discovering Majors and Careers class sponsored by the CDC. During this class I met a student that lives in Costa Rica, the exact place I am going for […]
Thank YOU, Employers!

The Career Fair has come and gone, and I’m sure you’re waiting and anticipating those call backs from employers. Don’t be a sitting duck. Be proactive and contact them! I’ve drafted a thank you email for each company that I talked to at the Career Fair, thanking them for their time and for speaking […]
Break Is Over – Career Fair, Here We Come!!

Welcome back!! I don’t know about you, but I spent most of my break eating, spending time with family, and watching Netflix. Not only that, but I also continued my job search!! Prior to break I had sent out about 30 letters to Physician Assistants (PAs) in my area inquiring about job shadowing. I was able to […]
The Final Countdown!

People randomly passed out on campus. Free food EVERYWHERE. The library is packed until 3am every night. The line to Dunkin is out the door. Yup, it’s finals week. Sometimes the chaotic mayhem is unbearable, but somehow I am completely relaxed this finals week. It’s definitely not going to be like that next term when I’m taking ID2050 […]
The Future Is Now!

As this year progresses I keep stopping and realizing. Whoa. I’m a junior. I have one year left of my undergraduate career at WPI. It’s scary and exciting at the same time. It’s scary to think about how fast the past 2 1/2 years have gone by. I’ve become accustomed to the busy, studious college life and […]
Life After College – Yes, It Exists!

This past Monday I attended the Women Alumnae Panel hosted by the sponsored by the Career Development Center, Office of Multicultural Affairs, and WECE (Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering). We were lucky enough to talk to three women that have graduated from WPI in the past 10 years to learn more about life after […]
Thanksgiving – Not Just a Time for Feasting!

I don’t know about you guys but I’ve already started my countdown until Thanksgiving. For me it means three things: a break from classes, family, and AWESOME FOOD!! I can’t believe we only have two days left of class until break! I’ll definitely be utilizing this time for sleep, work and relaxing. But Thanksgiving isn’t […]

Today everyone is so attached to their electronic devices – phones, iPods, tablets, laptops…The list goes on and on. Pretty much everyone I know has a Facebook, some have Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. But did you ever think you could use these social media sites to find a job? There are so many opportunities for jobs […]