An Introduction from a New Peer Advisor!

Filed in From the Staff by on May 3, 2015

Hello there!

I’m Jacky, a new Peer Advisor at the Career Development Center. For the past few weeks, I’ve been in training for the upcoming year along with two other new PAs. A little bit about me to start with: I was born and raised here in Worcester and even though I’ve been living here for the past 19 years, I stayed to attend WPI. I’m a sophomore double majoring in Management and Economics, not exactly what you’d expect at an engineering school, but they’re both really great programs!

However, I didn’t come into WPI as either of those majors, I was 90% sure (give or take) on my actuarial science major but I switched over to Management this past C-term. That’s a part of the reason I’m really excited to take on this position as a Peer Advisor because as a PA, I’ll be able to help students discover what their passions are to help choose their majors. I’ll be able to help students who are undecided about their majors and even those who are pretty sure but are still curious what other majors offer. As a Peer Advisor, I’ll be able to help first year students who take the FY 1800 Discovering Majors and Careers course, organizations that request workshops, and students that come into the office for appointments or walk ins.

This upcoming year will be really great, but definitely different. For the past year working at the CDC’s front desk, I’ve seen the Peer Advisors work with students, prepare for workshops, and play important parts during events such as the Kick-off and I had no doubt that when the time came around, I would be submitting my application to Maggie (the awesome supervisor for the Peer Advisors and also for the Front Desk). Since starting at the CDC last summer, one of my favorite parts of the job was interacting with students that came in the office and those who called. But now I’ll be able to work with them directly and help them with their decision making and job search process, wooh!

My first tip of advice as a peer advisor is take advantage of the CDC’s resources. Even if you think you’re sure of your major, or if you think your resume/cover letter is perfect, or if you think the job’s salary is enough, come into the CDC and meet with a counselor. They’re such great people and they’re there to help. I know as a first year student I never went into the CDC and it was such a mistake. Thinking back to those two-paged resumes that I handed to employers at the Career Fair that were full of repetitive high school experience, I know that if I had taken 15 minutes out of my day for a resume critique, I would have been one step closer to getting an internship. This year I had a changing majors appointment, went to workshops, had a mock interview, had resume/cover letter critiques, used tipsheets, and now I have an internship for the summer with Fidelity Investments! Once again, the CDC has SOOOO much to offer so take advantage!

I look forward to taking on this position and working with you fellow students!

Until next time,


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